Wednesday, May 27, 2009

WEX: First Kiss

"Teehee," sounds of 11-year-old giggling were everywhere. I re-adjusted my position as I felt comfortable sitting around with all my girl friends playing truth or dare since that was a normal occurrence. I lifted up my palm from the wet dew on the grass we were sitting on. My palm was drenched, but not from the grass... from my sweat. We were sitting in the courtyard of her condo complex next to the trickling water fountain which was usually relaxing but not now. I was scared of the person I was sitting directly across from. I tried to avoid direct eye contact since her appearance was so intimidating. She was a big-bad 7th grader, she was tall, tan, had a big 'chest', and worst of all, an evil devilish smile. They called her Jasmine Thomas.

"Um... Jasmine! I dare you to kiss Dominic," Pia, Jasmine's sister shouted. Immediately my whole body froze up like a dead fish in a freezer. My 11-year-old figure began quaking like a leaf. She flashed that evil smile of hers and got up from her side of the circle. She approached me menacingly like a lion about to prey on a helpless little animal. I tried to escape, but then I felt my friends holding me down! There was no escape! I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt a wet, slobbery kiss on the lips for what was in actuality, a second, but felt like an hour. So that was my first kiss: me being held down as some stranger planted a huge kiss on me!

1 comment:

marlene burrito said...

that was your first kiss?
aww poor dominic lol jk
well youve dont that before too so....