Friday, August 29, 2008

My Public Hero: Amy Winehouse

Though most people only see her as an alcholic / drugee, people don't realized the true talent the lies underneath.

Amy Winehouse is my hero because she has an amazing voice for one thing. She sings a way different genre of music, bringing back the wonderful soulful music of the fifties and sixties. She has redefined pop music, and now superstar singers such as Beyonce and Christina Aguilera are following her example and making throwback albums.

Unfortunately, many people view her as a 'villian' because she has had many run ins with the law, she is addicted to drugs and alcohol, and she is out of control in public. In addition, many people think that she is a bad public influence and roll model. For that reason, people stereotype her to be in the same class as Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan, which is totally frivolous. Unlike those two, Amy Winehouse actually has talent and she has worked hard to get to the place she's in. (After all, five Grammys in one night doesn't just happen to anybody.) So it is very unfortunate that people are so shallow as to not see her true talent.

I think that she deserves special recognition as my hero because she is very talented and falls into many stereotypes.


Little Livy said...

yay!! amy is cool

Ms. Charlotte said...

I love your use of 'frivolous!' I had no idea she had won so many grammies. Her voice is amazing, it's true.

Taylor said...

Her voice is cool, Ill say that..she just slightly scares me. but i see your point as a hero though :)