Monday, May 11, 2009

Cooking Blog


Finally as the LULS project draws to a close, we finally get to enjoy the fruit of our labor: the herbs. In order to explain exactly how I got a cayenne pepper from the vine to a plate, I must first start from the process of harvesting. After researching how to harvest, I discovered that they should be harvested when they turn red (mine were green at the time), and to cut them with scissors directly above the pepper.

The recipe I chose was a 3 Cheese Macaroni pasta. This recipe required many ingredients, most of them similar to the traditional macaroni pasta. The element that gave it the extra kick was organic, homegrown Cayenne Pepper. The recipe ordered for the Cayenne Pepper to be sliced into small pieces. These pieces would then be poured into a sauce consisting mainly of milk, cheese, and butter. I feel that the Cayenne Pepper definitely complemented the cheese and gave it an extra flavor to really push this recipe over the top in terms of flavor!



During the LULS project, I think that growing an herb garden was a very important part of the theme of sustainability because if we tell others to live sustainably, then we must do something as a class to live sustainably as well. Growing an herb garden is a simple and fun way to live sustainably without even knowing it. With the knowledge we learned about plants we can go on for the rest of our lives and bring that knowledge into our homes so we can continue to live sustainably. Cooking our herbs just shows how living sustainably can also benefit you! You help save the environment and you can eat yummy herbs too!

After finishing the LULS project, I feel that this final activity really addresses the essential questions of the LULS project because we live more sustainably by growing our own herbs instead of buying them from Henry's or Vons. We are teaching others to live sustainably by showing how we grow herbs and cook them on our blogs so that people all around the world can learn from us.



Overall I had fun baking with my herbs. But if I'm being honest, my meal tasted horrible! I must have done something horribly wrong with the sauce because when I took it off the stove and combined it with the Penne paste, the sauce became like glue! And on top of that, it was really bitter and disgusting...

Honestly, I don't really feel that growing herbs has changed my thing thinking in any ways because although it was a cool experience, it's not something I can see myself doing. Gardening has never been something I've been interested it so I haven't really done any critical thinking about this whole gardening thing. I think in the future I will find alternate ways of living more sustainably that appeal more to my kind of personality.


Anonymous said...


Little Livy said...

I really like how you were honest saying when you said that the herbs didn't change your thinking but thats not going to stop you from doing something else that is sustainable.
you also gave clear directions.

jasmine! said...

This is really good, I like your shirt in the blog!! I'm glad you included a lot of content along with pictures but you should make what your making more clear!

Shoshannah said...

I like how you stated the blog "Finally as the LULS project draws to a close, we finally get to enjoy the fruit of our labor." It made it sound like you were happy you finally got to do something with your pepper.

I think that your food looked good.

Giovanna said...

Hello Dominic!. OMG it looks so good especially because i love maco. It looked good and you looked very concentrated. I liked how you specifically explained the procces of your food.And i liked that your pictured where clear. GOOD JOB! :)

niia G said...

its cool how alot of people made pasta because herbs go good with pasta & the sauce. I like how you explained how to cook the 3 cheese macaroni(: