Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ishmael Answers

1. Ishmael has two general rules on how to identify our 'culture' people. One of them is that humans keep all food under lock and key. Ishmael talks about this in the parable of the dancers and how one tribe kept their food under lock and key. The other rule that Ismael has is that humans always think that they are flawed and that they are doing stuff wrong. I agree that people all over the world are part of the same culture because I believe that we are all humans come from God and that we all are part of the same family.

2. I still do agree with Ishmael that humans are inherently flawed. I think that the dancers are a perfect example of this because how they were doing perfectly and then they got lazy which messed up the entire culture.

3. The takers and the leavers are a culture on another plant where the more that they danced, the more the food that they got. Then, they realized that the could dance in a certain way to get the food that they like. After a while, they get lazy and some of them didn't dance while others did. The leaders decided to keep the food under lock and key then. Takers and leavers represent agriculture and the dancers represents people that don't stay in one area and keep moving.

1 comment:

Gabe said...

I liked how you related the human flaw with the tunes and dancers parable, good post Dominic.