Saturday, November 29, 2008

Something I'm Grateful

I am really grateful for the fact that I can go to bed with a roof over my head. I think that people in America really take many things for granted such as this. I am thankful for this because what people don't realize is that there are starving kids in third world countries that not only don't have a bed to sleep in, but there's no roof over their head, and they don't even have any food or water to drink.
I feel that before people in America can complain about things that they don't have, or things that they're unhappy about, they really should look at what they've got. I really am truly grateful for everything that I have, not only material things, but things such as good health, and a place to live!
I also believe that it is very important for Americans to understand the privilege they have to vote in the election a couple weeks ago. Many countries don't let the people have the power to elect their official. It's very important for Americans to vote in every election and to appreciate everything they are blessed with and what they take for granted. Not only for their food, but for a government where everybody is free, and everybody has a say in elections!

1 comment:

marlene burrito said...

that was really beautiful!
like tears to my eyes beautiul
i love to see that you think that way
honestly i wish everyone would feel like that and i totally agree with you with the whole kids in America taking things for granted
thx for that
it made me feel happy to know you have such an amazing heart